The following video clips highlight the activities of teachers training as well as the students practice their learning subjects.

The video below shows the activities of Trapeang Veng Community Preschool students taught by Ban Sophan, where they practice free games to increase muscle strength. This performance is one of the learning activities for preschool students.

Video below, show the preschool students in Kung Ruth Village, Peang Lvea Commune, Oudongk District, Kampong Speu Province perform their learning activities which are instructed by Teacher Dam Vun.

Video below is the outcome of monthly meeting of preschool teachers.  Each month, the teachers need to join the technical meeting which include sharing experience during the past month, practicing the subject that they think they lack of for teaching students the following month and produce educational materials for their use to teach students.  The meeting was held at Preythom Community Preschool Class.

Video below shows the Chraksdao Community Preschool about the morning exercise that led by Teacher Por Chanthorn.

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Video below shows the children learn through singing song.  “Look at the butterfly” is the title of the song which it is part of preschool lesson.  Phum Thmei Community Preschool students interact this song with the instruction of Teacher Pho Yanuth.  

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Video below shows the the performance of students, instructed by Teacher Dam Vun, at the Kung Ruth Community Preschool interact with the song YiYaYiYaYo “Grandparents Farming”.

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The video below illustrates the preschool students at the Kung Ruth Community Preschool interact their lessons.  The first song is about “When we travel on the road, we must be careful, we walk on the right and watch ourselves…”, and the rests are the game about an animal run and go into the cage, interact free game and make cat’s sound.  

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Video below shows the students perform a song activity describing how the frog looks like. This preschool is situated in Peanglvea commune, Odongk District, Kampong Speu Province. It is one of the 19 preschools that CCAFO is coordinating. This school is funded by iHerb Charitable Foundation and Buddhist Library Cambodia Project.