Dear Friends,  Thank you very much for taking the time to visit our website, especially the Success Stories page. It is through our collective efforts that we assist children in achieving their visions.  On this page, you will find stories of former students who have reached significant milestones in pursuit of the dreams they set when they began their educational journey with us.  These achievements have been made possible thanks to your generous support.  We are deeply grateful, and on behalf of these young individuals, we extend our sincerest thanks.  Please help us spread the word about these success stories to your family and friends, and we kindly ask for your continued support of our project.  There are more inspiring stories to come, and we look forward to sharing them with you here.  All the best!

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be a Doctor” – The Story of Yorn Chakrya

We are pleased to share the inspiring story of Yorn Chakrya, a former student of Prey Thom Community Preschool.

As of September 26, 2024, Chakrya is currently a 6th-grade student, preparing to advance to 7th grade in the upcoming 2025 school year. ​ She first began her educational journey in 2018, at the age of five, attending Prey Thom Community Preschool, located in Banteay Meas District, Kampot Province, southwestern Cambodia.  This preschool was established and supported by CCAFO with the initial backing of the Grapes for Humanity Canada Foundation.  Over time, additional support came from various donors, including the iHerb Charitable Foundation, the Buddhist Library Cambodia​ Project, the Shamrock Love 2021 (Denmark), as well as friends of CCAFO and the local community.

Due to her dedication and focus on her studies, Chakrya performed exceptionally well, earning second place in her class.  Currently, she lives with her grandparents, while her parents work in another province to support the family.  Chakrya dreams of becoming a doctor and is determined to pursue her education all the way to university in order to achieve this goal.  “When I grow up and have the knowledge, I want to become a doctor,” Chakrya shared when we met her.

CCAFO recognizes the crucial role early childhood education plays in shaping future success, and the Preschool Project is one of our core initiatives.  We strongly believe that programs like these lay the foundation for academic achievement and help break the cycle of poverty.  We are deeply grateful for your continued support, which makes a meaningful difference in the lives of children like Chakrya.

Yorn Chakrya at home with her grandma while visiting by CCAFO Project Coordinator Mrs. Oeur Sreymai.

Yorn Chakrya (left) at Preythom Community Preschool when she was the preschooler.

Story of Dalin, a  former community preschool student

This is the inspiring journey of Phun Dalin, a former preschool student at the Chrak Sdao Community Preschool, which was established by the Cambodian Children’s Advocacy Foundation Organization (CCAFO) and funded by Grapes for Humanity-Canada in early 2009.  Dalin’s early education laid a solid foundation for her future, and today, she is a second-year university student, pursuing a law degree with the aspiration of becoming a lawyer.  Throughout her academic journey, Dalin has shown remarkable dedication and perseverance. From the moment she stepped into preschool, she consistently attended school, excelling at each level-preschool, primary, and high school-until she reached university. Her commitment to education reflects not only her personal ambition but also the invaluable support provided by community-driven initiatives like CCAFO’s preschools.  Dalin’s story is a testament to the power of early childhood education and its lasting impact on young minds, especially in rural communities. With her sights set on a career in law, Dalin is determined to advocate for justice and contribute to her community. She hopes her journey will inspire other young students, especially girls, to pursue their dreams, no matter how challenging the path may seem.  Her success is a shining example of how access to quality education can transform lives. With continued support, many more children like Dalin will have the opportunity to reach their full potential and positively impact their communities.

Phun Dalin at the Build Bright University