CCAFO Project Operating Areas

Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces and Phnom Penh City are the area where sub-grantees are operating their projects.  Kampot, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu and Takeo provinces are the areas where CCAFO are directly operating the projects.  Please view the projects target area in below.  Note:  Due to license for map hosting has expired, our data has not updated.

Specific CCAFO Projects Target Area

Kampot Province

There are 16 preschools. 6 are the national minimum standard recognition preschool. The following are:

12 preschools are located in Banteay Meas District (4 are nation minimum standard recognition preschools), 2 preschools are situated in Kampong Trach District, 1 preschool is located in Chhuk District (this school is the national minimum standard recognition preschool), and 1 preschool is located in Chum Kiri District (this school is the national minimum standard recognition preschool. School Year 2023-2024 as of June 30, 2024, there are 359 students (178 girls).

The project is supported by iHerb charitable Foundation and Buddhist Library Cambodia Project.  However, there are some other donors had supported this project.

Samaki Munychey (Formerly Odongk District, Kampong Speu Province

There are two preschools and they are non national minimum standard recognition preschool.  They are located in Peang Lovea Commune, Samaki Munychey (formerly Odongk) District, Kampong Speu Province.  School Year 2023-2024, there are 59 students (31 girls). The project is supported by iHerb charitable Foundation and Buddhist Library Cambodia Project.  However, there are some other donors had support this project.

Motherland Cambodia Education Center, Kampong Speu Province

The Motherland Cambodia Education Center is runnig English Language Project for children in Peang Lavea Commune, Samaki Munichey (formerly Odongk) District, and Samrong Tong District, Kampong Speu Province.  The center is situated in Traoeang Andong Village.  The project is mainly sponsored by iHerb charitable Foundation, SHUI YAT A (Cambodia) Company Ltd and Hong Kong Young Dentist Federation.  However, there are some other funders have had support this project.

Takeo Province

There is one preschool classes. School Year 2023-2024, there are 29 students (18 girls).  The preschools is supported by IDVYUNG SCHWENDEMAN FAYE DORCAS and Long Tat Lam (HK). 

There is a library for students and communities.  The project is funded by The Project is funded by IDVYUNG SCHWENDEMAN FAYE DORCAS and Long Tat Lam (HK).  Read the story of this school. 

Kampong Chhnang Province

There are four preschools situated in Pou and Thmei commune, and Pralay Meas Commune, Kampong Laeng District, Kampong Chhnang Province.  School Year 2023-2024, there are 78 students (43 girls).  The project is supported by iHerb charitable Foundation and Buddhist Library Cambodia Project.  However, there are some other donors had support this project.