Preschool Project Team

Oeur Sreymai

Preschool Project Co-Ordinator

Employment Start: July 4, 2009

As a Preschool Project Coordinator, Oeur Sreymai, has an extensive experience in preschool project as she was the teacher teaching students in Preythom Village, Tukmeas Khanglech Commune, Banteay Meas District, Kampot Province.  During she was the teacher, Sreymai joined the different trainings that related to preschool project management including a 35-days training which was implemented by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport through Kampot Provincial Education Youth and Sport Department.  Sreymai was the assistant to CCAFO Preschool Unit Supervisor for three years.  Recent year, Sreymai participated in a training on project monitoring, which helped increased her ability to effectively monitor the performance of all preschool teachers.

As a project coordinator, it really gives Sreymai the opportunity to use her knowledge and experience to train and manage activities, as well as to plan and oversee the project. Although general knowledge was limited, Sreymai tried her best to do the research and put it into practice.

This Preschool Project and capabilities that have been implemented so far are the result of donation from the iHerb Charity Foundation!

Read Sreymai bio

Preschool Teachers in Kampot Province

Tuy Sony

Paun Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: February 1, 2007

Touch Phally

Taeak Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: October 1, 2007

Chhun Solay

Prey Thom Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: November 27, 2019

Uk Kimseng

Preykralar Khang Koeut Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: October 1, 2012

Noun Saren

Demchamreak Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: July 4, 2009

Chea Chreach

Chrok Khley Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: June 1, 2022

Sem Chhayny

Lork Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: October 1, 2014

Tun Sopheak

Tkov Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: October 1, 2014

Krem Ty

Khnach Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: December 1, 2023

Preschool Teachers in Kampong Speu Province

Dam Vun

Kung Ruth Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: January 21, 2015

Kon Khoeurm

Peang Lvea Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: January 1, 2019

Preschool Teachers in Kampong Chhnang Province

Ho Kimheap

Porkrom Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: November 1, 2019

Pho Yanuth

Thmei Village Preschool Teacher

Employment Start: November 1, 2019

National Minimum Standard Preschool Teachers

Minimum Standard Preschool is recognized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.  These teachers in the list below were the employees of CCAFO but after becoming the standard preschool teachers, CCAFO stop support their salary but CCAFO still support the teaching materials, classroom maintenance materials for basic health care and others.

Tuy Rumdoul

Trapeang Montrey Village Preschool Teacher

Employment with CCAFO: June 2, 2012

Become the Minimum Standard Preschool Teacher: January 1, 2019.

2023 is year fifth of her minimum standard teacher recognition.

 Khin Sreytouch

Sreprey Village Preschool Teacher

Employment with CCAFO: October 15, 2013

Become the Minimum Standard Preschool Teacher: January 1, 2019.

2023 is year fifth of her minimum standard teacher recognition.

Por Chanthorn

Chraksdao Village Preschool Teacher

Employment with CCAFO: May 7, 2009

Become the Minimum Standard Preschool Teacher: January 1, 2021

2023 is year third of her minimum standard teacher recognition.

Korng Channy

 Tamom Village Preschool Teacher

Employment with CCAFO: April 1, 2017.

Become the Minimum Standard Preschool Teacher: 

2023 is year third of her minimum standard teacher recognition.

Ban Sophorn

 Trapeang Veng Village Preschool Teacher

Employment with CCAFO: November 2, 2015.

Become the Minimum Standard Preschool Teacher: 

2023 is year sixth of her minimum standard teacher recognition.