Current Funding Partners

Preface:  September 5, 2014, CCAFO commenced its partnership with iHerb charitable Foundation (icF) for operating the projects that related to educational programs including English language, Village Based Preschool, Students Support Program (including scholarship), Direct assistance for rural students and vulnerable people.

What we do: Based on CCAFO By-Law, CCAFO signed the Memorandum of Agreement with icF, CCAFO serves as grant coordination body to provide fund from icF to sub-grantees (NGOs) that operate educational programs in Cambodia.   All sub-grantees are registered as NGO with the Ministry of Interior of the Royal Government of Cambodia and operate the projects within Cambodia Law.  Please view the flow on how we coordinate fund from icF to sub-grantees (icF-CCAFO-Sub-Grantees-Omprakash-Fund-Flow).  You are invited to view the NGOs that have had received grant from icF in the sub-grantee page.

Accountability:  Fund from icF is transferred to Cambodia through Omprakash in U.S.A and CCAFO submitted expenses report to Omprakash.  The financial reports can be found in Omprakash’s webpage.  To ensure fund is used to meet the purpose from donor, CCAFO management team work with icF Representative Veronika Geyer together with all sub-grantees executive team on a regular basis.  

Our Appreciation: Our team and beneficiaries would like to express our sincerely thank to icF for supporting the humanitarian work in Cambodia.  You can check through the link to learn about the projects that iHerb has sponsored projects in Cambodia. 

CCAFO, has established a mutually beneficial partnership with the Omprakash Foundation since the year 2012. We are proud to work alongside this amazing non-profit organization, which is officially registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We believe this partnership greatly enhances our organization’s ability to pursue the goals and aspirations we set out to achieve in the world.  CCAFO has  Statement of Sponsorship from Omprakash which it can be available for requirement.  

Buddhist Library Cambodia Project.ORG (BLCP) is a charity NGO registered with the Ministry of Interior of Kingdom of Cambodia. Since its establishment in 2005, it has been dedicating to improve Cambodian children’s welfare and to establish a solid base for school children in our target provinces of Kampot, Kampong Speu and Takeo provinces in Cambodia to have good opportunity for employment after graduation. To achieve the aim, we have been working very hard on various projects namely WASH, Dental and Eye Health Care, Education and Community Assist.

2012, BLCP started its support CCAFO on two main projects including Income Generating Activities and the Village Based Preschool.  Since 2014 until this time, 2024, BLCP support the Village Based Preschool Project through providing fund as share cost on salary to preschool teachers, project supervisor and overhead cost that related to preschool project.  Beside this fund, BLCP donated rain water tank for the English Language Project in Kampong Speu and toothbrush and toothpastes for preschool students. 

Shamrock Love is a non-profit social and fundraising network for the global Irish community and friends to raise awareness and show support for the charities that matter to us.

In early 2010, Shamrock Love founder Siobhán Kelleher-Petersen was introduced to CCAFO through the Irish community in Cambodia. Thus, in April 2010, Siobhán Kelleher-Petersen paid a visit (see photo) to view Chrak Khley Community Preschool in Banteay Meas District, Kampot Province, Cambodia.  The preschool has been running by the Cambodian Children’s Advocacy Foundation Organization (CCAFO).

Since 2010, the 3-Legged Charity Race and Shamrock Love has donated over 164,700 DKK (~€22,000) to CCAFO.  This money was used as share cost to support CCAFO’s community preschool and English language projects.

In 2020, the 3-Legged Charity Race sent about €670 to CCAFO.  Some of this money was spent on 637 bars of soap and distributed to 19 community preschools to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Since 2021 to 2023, received 6,065.60 US$ for community preschool operation.

There are 8,118 students (community preschool and English Language projects) have benefitted since CCAFO received the donation from the 3-Legged Charity Race and Shamrock Love.

The Hong Kong Young Dentist Federation (HKYDF) is a non-profit organization founded by a group of enthusiastic young dentists from Hong Kong.  We aim at enhancing public awareness on oral health via education.  We put our priorities in serving the needy in rural areas, such as Cambodia, Nepal, Philippines, Thai-Myanmar boarder, Penghu Taiwan, Guangxi, and of course, the underprivileged groups in Hong Kong.

Scope of Services: 1. Oral Hygiene Instruction / Education 2. Dental Examination 3. Simple Dental Extraction 4. Simple Dental fillings 5. Caries Prevention


The company supports the English Language Project in 2021-2024.

CADE Learning Space is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) corporation started by educators who love teaching.  Fueled by their passion to share their knowledge, they started CADE Learning Space with the purpose to provide educational programs that include learning through creating, applying, discovering, and exploration.  It is the hope of the founders of CADE that through these free and affordable workshops and services, they can foster an intrinsic motivation for learning and promote global citizenship as well as promote education as the catalyst that can help end the cycle of poverty.  Visit the website through the link at Project CADE | CADE Learning Space

February 23 2022, CADE grant fund as a share cost to support the operation of the Village Based Preschool Project in Thnouh Village, Takeo Province.  The project is coordinating by the Cambodian Children’s Advocacy Foundation Organization. 

The Cambodian Children’s Advocacy Foundation Organization (CCAFO) is a partner organization with the Department of Building, Environment, and Energy Engineering (BEEE) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong for the Cambodia Service-Learning Project.


Past Funding Partners

IDEA Foundation (2010-2021) for preschool building and operation costs that related to preschool project. In 2021, IDEA Support the relocation of a preschool classroom at Chrak Khley Community Preschool.  In 2022, IDEA Supports building a restroom at Chrak Sdao Community Preschool and raised floor at the Lork Community Preschool (IDEA 1 Preschool).

Story of partnership

In 2018, Ying Wa College (YWC) joined the IDEA Project to bring students to visit the Cambodian Children’s Advocacy Foundation Organization (CCAFO) for the first time and YWC pledged a donation to support the project. Since then, YWC and CCAFO have been exchanging ideas on providing voluntary support to each other in the aspect of learning and teaching experiences, particularly for the Non-Formal Education Program of its Motherland Cambodia Education Center (MLC), where free-of-charge English programmes are providing for students in rural Cambodia.  With the successful collaboration of the past few years, YWC and CCAFO are planning to formalize the communication with the partnership agreements including: 1) Staff Capacity Building; 2) Experience Sharing; and 3) promotion of cultural exchange.

We take this opportunity to thank all funders for supporting our project from the beginning; without your help, CCAFO may face difficulty in starting and continuing the operations.

  • Borey Peng Huoth (2021-2022) Classroom Building and Cash Donation for English Language Project.
  • LP4-Local Group (2020).  Supporting the English Language Project.
  • Olea Organization (2018).
  • Firetree Asia Foundation-Richard P. Haugland Foundation-StarFire Flower Foundation & ADM Capital Foundation (2009-2014).
  • Tudor Foundation via ADM Capital Foundation (2013)
  • Grapes for Humanity-Canada (2009,2010, 2012).  Please visit website at Grapes for Humanity.
  • Methodist Relief & Development Fund (2007-2013).
  • Lee Foundation (2009-2014).
  • Open Gate Foundation (2009,2010,2012).
  • Lincoln Crowne & Company Pty.LTD (2009-2010).
  • The Art Venture (2007-2008).
  • The NZAID Head of Mission Fund (2007-2008).
  • The Queens’ and Clare Overseas Education Fund (2007).
  • The Boeing Company-The Global Corporate Citizenship Program (2007-2008).